Apostrophe Girls Create Copywriting Collective

While in Australia, I had the opportunity to join the community at WOMAN.com.au – bringing  people, places, resources and happenings together in one place. Our chief focus is on enabling and inspiring women to achieve their goals, with an emphasis on careers, business and lifestyle.

My work with WOMAN.com.au is mostly in an editorial context, but when KerryAnn Bartle got an interview with two female founders, I was asked to write it up. Hell yes! The story was about a new copywriting collective, founded by a couple of fabulous females.

It all began with two women who share a love for storytelling and a knack for words. Despite doing what they both love working in advertising, they were unhappy, constantly searching for inspiration over tea breaks. Driven by a desire to change their circumstances, Apostrophe Copywriters – Melbourne’s first copywriting collective – was born. Founders Crystal Fong and Stefanie DiGianvincenzo created a group of award-winning, freelance copywriters who collaborate with almost anyone, from design to digital agencies, brand managers and even like-minded start-ups.

If you want to read the whole article, check it out here. Although I’m back in the UK now, I still do some work with WOMAN.com.au – and of course I keep up to date with all their stories too!

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